*back to reality* how time flies... there goes the days when my status is SINGLE.. now status is MARRIED.. whoah... indeed a huge change.. but im happy and alhamdulillah to allah's blessings.. not forgetting all the support from my beloved family.. all of them...
*flashback to 10&11 nov 07* that day, i was pretty busy.. getting my henna done, day before the solemnisation.. waking up early @ 4am to get rid of the dried henna and then going back to sleep.. again awaken as early as 7am by mum, final cleaning up of my room.. @ 830am my make-up artist arrived, followed by my frens, keeping me accompany.. jeng jeng, then the moment of truth... hahah the solemnisation... ALLAH knows how hard my heart was rumbling at tat moment.. again ALHAMDULILLAH it's over and hubby did it ONCE... yeay!!
the busyness goes on and on... guests coming in one after and another... pics were taken here and there... i aint know that my kuzie sister was pretty busy being a 'photographer'.. she went up, down, left, right taking whatever shots she could.. hahaha... but i lurve her... got potential... not bad... not leaving my own sister, taking shots with our very own camera... but then pics still not uploaded... haiseyman!! urgghhh...
soon all were done and over!! all the hard work and effort being put it paid well... cheers to everyone involved... i feel like one beautiful and graceful swan for that 2 Days... im really happy tat all my frens were present.. i lurve you all.. though there were some unexpected presence but still i appreciate their comings...
again huge ALHAMDULILLAH...
*all tHe mEmOirS of tHe gOod oLd tImes i biD gOoDbye... pReciOus inDeed foR my keEps.. sOmeoNe wHo oNce lEft a hUge fOotPrint in my heArt n sOul, toO i'vE biDdEn goOdbye... wIshEs taT aLlaH blEsSes aNd hE wilL bE iN prEtty gOOd sHaPe aNd mAy haPpIness bE wIth hIm aLwaYs.. i WiLl misS hIm aLwaYs!!*